In English

Korp! TauTiTo is an academic organization, name of which reflects its main principal values and goals: nation (Tautiškumas), faith (Tikėjimas), progress (Tobulėjimas). We are patriotic citizens who hold sharing one’s knowledge with others an important element of self-improvement and progress; faith for us, in turn, is both a religious state, and in its broadest sense a key to anyone on their way to success.

Korp! TauTiTo was established in 1997 in Kaunas University of Technology, under the concept of a traditional German fraternity. However, principles of modern University and Interwar period in Lithuania make up TauTiTo’s basis as well. Both males and females are welcome in our fraternity. We are open to novelty and focus on progress, yet are also keen on retention of Lithuanian language and traditions among students.

Fides Turris Nostra.

Korp! TauTiTo’s motto

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